Thursday, April 19, 2012

Squirt Arrives!

We went to bed around 10:30pm on Easter Sunday thinking Monday would be an early workday for me and the start of Melissa's maternity leave (her last day at the salon was April 6).

Around 2am Mel went to the bathroom and came back to bed and noticed that she was having some tightening and pain in her lower back that didn't feel like the "contractions" she had had before.  According to her see that pain was similar to a poop cramp.  Haha!  She noticed that they were fairly close together and began tracking them on her app.  After about 30 minutes of contractions ranging from 2-6 minutes apart she woke me up and asked if she should call the doctor.  Since I was still half asleep I told her to do it cause it seemed like the easiest way to get back to sleep.  Naturally, she didn't listen to me and waited another half hour before she decided to call.  In fairness to her, you are supposed to wait until you have had those type of contractions for an hour before calling or going to the hospital.

At 3am she called the answering service and they confirmed that we should come in.  At this point Melissa noticed that she was "leaking" something and thought it was possible that her water may have broke also.  At this point I was alert and raring to get us to the hospital as quick as possible.  I grabbed the bags that had been packed for nearly a month and tossed 'em in the car.  Then I grabbed everything that was on the list and not packed already from a list Mel had written and numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 4.  When I went to check on Melissa and see if she was ready to go she was still in the room making the bed.  Then she brushed her teeth and cleaned the basement living room.  Obviously, she wasn't feeling the same sense of urgency I was.

After I finally got her in the car we were at the hospital in an instant... it's only 2 miles away.  We checked in at 4:15am Monday, April 9.  Both of us thought that this would be our first false alarm and would be back home in a few hours.  Once we were in a Labor and Delivery room the nurse ran a test and confirmed that the fluid she was "leaking" was in fact from her water breaking.  This meant that we weren't going to be leaving without the baby!

The put an IV line in Melissa, which would end up nearly being her least favorite part.  They checked her dilation and said she was 4.5cm with 100% effacement.  We then called all the parents and informed them that this was happening!  At this point we were told Melissa had tested positive for a bacteria known as Group B Strep (GBS).  This meant that she was going to have to get IV antibiotics so that she wouldn't pass it on to baby.  The antibiotic burned something fierce while they were being infused and Melissa kept saying she wanted to cut her arm off.  I informed her that if her arm were to be cut off then they'd have to put an IV in the other arm and it wouldn't solve the problem.

The next 18 hours were very slow moving and our original nurse, Kristina, headed home and we got a new nurse, Carol, and about the only thing Melissa says about Carol is that "she had really small hands".  I'll let you figure out why that was important for yourself.  Mel and I walked the hallway, Meredith came to support Mel while she bounced on the birthing ball and brought me some much needed coffee while we watched Robin Hood Men in Tights.  Her contractions started getting longer, stronger, and closer together. She asked Carol to check her dilation while Meredith went to pick up Mel's Dad and stepmom from the airport.  She was still at a 5.

Because her water had broken they were hesitant to keep checking her dilation as it posed an infection risk to the baby.  It was a bit frustrating since we couldn't really tell if things were progressing otherwise.  Around 1pm she decided she opted for an epidural hoping that it would help her relax and perhaps help move things along.  The nurse anesthetist came and placed the epidural.  Melissa did well for a bit, but eventually the poking and prodding got to be too much and she could be heard saying not to anyone in particular, "Is she done yet?"

Like before, things continued to progress slowly and when Mel was dilated to 7cm she kind of stalled.  The nurse and physician decided to start a pitocin drip, which is what is used to induce labor.  Around 7pm, our original nurse, Kristina, came back on shift and was surprised that we were still in the labor and delivery suite sans baby.  Eventually Mel dilated to 9cm and at this point starting using the bolus button on her epidural pump... regularly.  She says that the hour preceding the pushing as the worst part of labor.  At 10pm she had the urge push and nurse verified that she was dilated to 10cm, which is fully dilated.  Everyone that had been in the room left and it was just the nurse, Mel, and I.  After a few practice pushes, Melissa began pushing in earnest.

The doctor came in just before the birth pretty much to be the catcher.  We had decided earlier that I would be the one to announce what the baby's sex was.  When the head came out we saw the cord was wrapped around her neck twice, but no one was alarmed and they said the baby was fine, so I didn't worry.  Once they had pulled the baby the rest of the way out it was quickly moved to Melissa chest and I never got a chance to see if there were girl or boy parts!  The nurse and doctor were both saying, "And it's a..." in an effort to get me to announce it, but I still couldn't see anything.  Finally, one of the nurses cleaning the baby moved a leg and I could clearly that we had just had a beautiful baby GIRL!  Nearly the instant she came into world she started screaming... LOUD.  The doctor and nurses were all very impressed with her vocal abilities.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Happy Easter!

It's been a while since we posted on here, but I promise we have a good reason!

This was the first Easter we weren't back in MI to spend the holiday with our families and both Mel and I were feeling the distance.  Since I'm no longer on the night shift we chose to take my only day off for the week and sleep in.  We went to church in the afternoon and enjoyed a great service.

The breakfast of pudgy champions everywhere!
After church Melissa and I decided we were going to try to get this labor going and head up the mountain since we'd read that elevation changes can induce labor.  Our secondary goal was to get a fantastic crepe from Crepes a la Carte in Breckenridge.  The weather was beautiful and sunny and we enjoyed our crepes along the river before hightailing it back home before our guests came over.

Mel at 39.5 weeks in Breckenridge
Friends from our small group as well as Meredith and her roommate came over to grill out and enjoy a relaxed social night.  We ended up playing Beatles Rockband well past my old-man bedtime before Melissa kicked everyone out.  All in all it was a great way to spend a warm, sunny, holiday Sunday.


Wednesday, April 04, 2012

39 weeks prego

Many changes have happened in the last week.... 

We went from grilling and eating outside over the weekend (85') to snow on Tuesday.

Matt finished his last night shift after 3 years and moved to his day job (finally)! 

Meredith moved into her new home and the spare bedroom is now ready for our visitors. 

I am dilated to a 3 with 75% effacement and a very ripe, soft cervix! Who would have ever thought those words would come out of my mouth, let alone make me so excited. Contractions have picked up in the last 4-5 days, coming every 10-15 minutes and lasting about 30-60 seconds. Nothing but a tightening that takes my breath away, not a lot of real pain. (Warning: I'm sorry about the TMI coming in this next sentence, don't read it if you don't want to.) I have had my membranes swept twice now and had my bloody show this morning which basically means we "hurry up and wait" for the next signs of labor. Signs could be my water breaking or more contractions that are 5 minutes apart, lasting for 1 minute for 1 hour. There is no telling if Squirt will be here in a few hours, a few days or even a week. But I'm happy to know that my body is getting ready! 

In the last few weeks Matt has gotten more ansy about Squirt coming. He is worse then me! You would think I would be the one wanting this pregnancy to be over. I'm trying to stay realistic about the whole process. Besides, we are still a week from our due date and most first time moms have their first baby late. I'm hoping Squirt comes early but I still have things I would like to complete before our lives change forever. Even though I have pregnancy carpal tunnel in my right hand, I have 2 days of clients scheduled at the salon this week and would like to get some more nesting in. 

Yesterday I spent the day nesting, at first I thought I was just cleaning because somethings needed some attention but looking back I really believe it was nesting. I found myself washing every rug in the house, moving furniture (probably shouldn't have done that) to clean underneath. I even started scrubbing our stainless steal trash can in the kitchen, and discovered that the little "rust" spots could be buffed out. Our coffee percolator has never been so shiny inside and out, gotta love the magic eraser! When I would get tired on my feet I just rolled around in the office chair for a little while. Sorry, I didn't take a picture but I think it would have looked pretty funny. 

These next few hours, days and possibly weeks are a really exciting time for us! I can't wait to see what other changes come.... maybe a Easter baby? 

Matt enjoying his grilled salmon and beer
Kristen and I enjoying some alcohol free wine
The snow arrives