Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Just a Little Fender Bender

Yesterday Melissa got into a car accident.  Fortunately, neither she nor Squirt were injured.  An elderly man ran a red light, but Melissa saw him coming and was able to avoid a much worse accident.  We went to the ER in the evening just to be sure everything was alright and to our happy surprise they busted out an ultrasound!  Our next ultrasound wasn't for another 4 weeks, so we were pretty excited to get to see Squirt despite the circumstances.

We made sure to let the doctor know that we didn't know if Squirt was a boy or girl and he promised to keep the mystery.  He told us that he was looking to see Squirt's heart rate and if he/she was moving around like normal.  As if on queue, we watched as Squirt's little hand floated straight to his/her face and started sucking his/her thumb.  The doctor laughed and told us everything looked great.  We could see just about everything on Squirt... hands, arms, head, legs, spine, etc.  It was really something to see all the changes and growth that have happened in such a short time; especially since Squirt was merely the size of a blueberry at the last ultrasound.

Could have been much worse

We also had our first snow of the season.  It didn't start until later in the evening so it didn't play a part in Mel's accident.  It was raining when we went in to the ER and snowing when we came out a couple hours later.  The weather service is predicting up to 12 inches for Denver in the next 24 hours, but the high country is expected to get nearly 2 feet!

First snow of the season is a doozy

Tree in our front yard usually stands straight up


  1. Wow, I'm glad Melissa is alright. Gotta take care of that bun... and the oven too!
