Recently the computers at work stopped blocking YouTube so my tech and I have been filling the slow times by watching music videos that were popular when we were in high school. Things that were creative, relevant, and harmless to high-school-Matt are now funny, ridiculous, and sometimes offensive to the older-more mature-enlightened-Matt. We've had some serious laughs, but seeing these old videos got me thinking "would I want my kid to see this?"
It is that very thought that has lead to the semi-serious creation of my own Fahrenheit 451esque Blacklist. The first thing to be added to this list? "The Thong Song" by Cisco. While still incredibly funny and embarrassingly catchy, if it turns out that Squirt is a girl, then this song shall never touch her ear drums!
A number of hip-hop songs have made the list for content, while other non-hip-hop songs made the list because they are just plain crap music. My prime example of this category? The Macarena by Los del Rio which is runner-up if not the pinnacle of bad music. I find other song/dance combos like "YMCA" are staples at celebrations (i.e weddings) and generally harmless. I don't know what would happen if a toddler-Colvin child got a hold of this song and then began to utter that potentially horrible phrase they are known to issue as if it was one of the 10 Commandments... "Again!". Listening to The Macarena once is bad enough, let alone 50 times. Eventually it would get put on a CD and played ad nauseum in our minivan. I just added mini-vans to the list too. Other terrible songs added to the list: "Who Let the Dogs Out" by Baha Men as well as any and every Kidz Bop album.
I do this to protect our child, but mostly to save my own sanity. If you've got something you think should be added to the list, then please leave it in the Comments section!
Disclaimer: As the author and creator of this list I reserve the right to arbitrarily add and remove songs.