Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our first Christmas in Denver

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas this year! Matt and I had our first Christmas in Denver, away from the crazy family for the first time since we were both born. :) Of course I'm kidding about the crazy family part... we missed seeing all their smiling faces but I have to tell you, this Christmas was the most relaxing Christmas I have ever had. 

On Christmas Eve while Matt spent his day sleeping after working a 12 hour shift, I went to our church to serve. We had 5 Christmas Eve services that day I was able to help out in the one's room for the first 2 services. When Matt woke up we went to the 5:00 service and he helped pass out communion and take the offering. It was a great message and music as usual. Church was packed full of families and lots of first time visitors. 

Red Rocks Church Christmas Eve service
Our very talented music staff shared a new song they wrote and made an awesome music video.  Here is a link if you want to check it out: http://vimeo.com/redrockschurch/rejo...

Christmas morning Meredith and I both slept in until 10:00 and made some monkey bread for breakfast, then we Skyped with the family during their Christmas party. Later in the day we made a delicious ham  dinner that was done just in time for Matt when he woke up for the day. We enjoyed a spiral honey baked ham, cheesy potatoes, broccoflower and french bread. Meredith's friend Jess came to share in the festivities and brought over some yummy puppy chow and presents for everyone. 

yummy ham dinner
Jess and Meredith just before they booze it up with some sparkling grape juice
Matt and I getting ready to dig in

After dinner we opened gifts. This year Matt got me a Kindle, some awesome Toms (shoes) and a Pregnancy/Newborn magazine subscription. Matt got some money to put towards powder skis and a Nick Lidstrom Winter Classic (Red Wings) jersey. Just before Matt had to head back to work he put together Squirt's crib and swing. It really is starting to look like a baby is coming to our home soon!

Check out the Justin Bieber wrapping paper
Matt putting together the crib, what a great dad!
the crib is ready for Squirt
The Bump at 24.5 weeks

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