Wednesday, March 14, 2012

4 Weeks To Go and Other News

It's been a busy past few days.  The biggie was that we attended our Labor and Delivery class at the hospital and I can say that I feel much better about the whole process now that I have a better idea of what's supposed to be going on.  I'm sure I'll still have some freak out moments, but at least now I won't just be standing there not having any clue how to help.  The class was over 6 hours long, but well worth it.  

We've also been able to accomplish a lot in Squirty's room.  We got all the furniture arranged how we want it and only have a couple of things left to hang.  We also rearranged the furniture in our room (in the basement) to accomodate the Pack n' Play.  Mel also says I have to tell everyone about how I push the empty stroller around the living room/kitchen area.  It feels good to have things in order for when Squirty decides he/she wants to come home.  Which could be pretty soon...

It's a good thing we don't have carpet cause I'd have worn a path by now!

Today marks 36 weeks for Mel and Squirt.  Only 4 weeks left to our due date (and 1 week till Squirt is considered full-term)!  Mel has started taking people's guesses on Facebook re: Squirt's gender, birthday, and weight.  At the time she guessed Girl, so naturally I guessed Boy.  No matter what, we will be extremely happy with either.  

This week is also my last full week on the midnight shift.  After 3 years of nights, I can safely say that we are all happy to be moving on.  I will miss my week-on week-off schedule, but then again there is a chance I would be able to do it on dayshift.  I can't describe how much I look forward to being able to come home everyday and have dinner with my family and quit living this double life.

I did get to spend a day of my off-week reintroducing a good friend to skiing again.  We hit a tiny (in comparison) ski area called Ski Cooper, not to be confused with Copper Mtn.  We had a beautiful bluebird day with temps in the 40's with no wind and good snow.  We got to see a helicopter land at the base area where we had eaten lunch just a couple hours earlier.  Unfortunately, it was Flight for Life and they were airlifting a skier to the hospital after a serious crash.

Flight for Life at Ski Cooper

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