Thursday, May 10, 2012

1 Month and Back to Work

I don't know where the time has gone, but it has gone fast!  Adley turned 1 month old yesterday and she's already showing us that she's going to be pretty sassy when she grows up.  She definitely knows what she wants.  That being said, she has been an incredible baby.  She isn't quite sleeping through the night, but she's gotten up to 4 hour stretches.  Here is her 1month photo:

I also returned to work last week.  It was tough, but not as bad as I feared it would be.  I do miss both my girls while I'm away, but the evening shift is hardest since they are both fast asleep when I get home.  I also got some great news from work for the summer.  They have decided to trial a 7-on-7-off position on day-shift and I was selected to do it.  So for June and July, we'll be able to get out and do stuff like we used to when I was on nights and I won't have to mess up my sleep schedule!


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