Thursday, June 07, 2012

Adley STATS!

Today was Aldey's 2 month well-baby visit and the one that Mel had been dreading since she was born. That's because it was the appointment that she was supposed to get her first round of immunizations. 

The appointment went really well and Adley was quite well behaved.  She didn't mind being naked (except for a diaper) on the exam table and only complained a little when Dr. Knott checked her ears.  I guess she doesn't like people touching her ears... just like her daddy.  Anyway, she's been growing like crazy and is fantastically healthy.  

Pre-shots at the 2 month checkup

She got immunizations against a number of diseases, so in total she got 3 shots and had to drink a small vaccine also.  She didn't seem to be a fan of the oral vaccine, and as you could imagine, she wasn't much of a fan of the shots either.  When the nurse gave her the first shot it took her a second to recognize that it was painful and she screamed, but by the time she finished her first scream the nurse had already given her the other two shots.  I was able to quickly wrap her in her blankie and cuddle her and she stopped crying/screaming in a matter of seconds.  I'd like to think it was because of my superior comforting abilities, but I think she's just a tough cookie.  

I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed seeing my daughter get poked and scream like that, but I really did enjoy how cuddly she was afterward.  It's tough to beat her crazy-haired head on my shoulder and her arms trying to wrap around me.  I love her little hugs.  We cuddled for a bit before mom came back in and then we dressed her back up and got out of there.  I even managed to get a couple smiles out of her while dressing her.

Anyway, we've been pretty lax in terms of keeping records of her growth, but have decided to remedy that situation by combining my love of spending time on the computer and the infinite possibilities of Excel spreadsheets.  Behold the charts!

Ht - 90th percentile
Wt - 50th percentile

Head Circ - 50th percentile

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