Thursday, September 22, 2011


We had our second appointment with the OB today, and since we're new at this I wasn't exactly sure what all was going to happen.  First, my wife, the one who has to pee nearly every 10 minutes it seems, couldn't pee.  The medical assistant came in and asked the standard list of questions, then said, "Now we're gonna listen to the heartbeat."  I don't think she realized that we hadn't heard it before.  When Melissa said that she thought it was too early to hear it, the med assistant quickly back-pedaled and said that she was "going to check, but we probably wouldn't hear anything."

After moving the probe around a bit we heard a heartbeat... Melissa's heartbeat.  I thought, "That doesn't sound like 100+ bpm?", but just then Squirt chimed in with 160+ bpm.  It was pretty exciting and Melissa promptly started crying.  The assistant kinda jumped because she thought the baby had kicked and didn't realize it was Melissa shaking from trying to hold back the crying.  

Once she settled down, we got a more accurate read on the heart rate, which turned out to be 166 bpm.  So according to the old wive's tale that attempts to predict gender based on heart rate... we'd be having a girl.  Since the old chinese calendar that also predicts gender says it's a girl, it's all but set in stone... right?  Sadly, we didn't get a recording of Squirt's symphony, but hopefully next time and maybe a new pic too.  Oh how they grow so fast *sigh*.



  1. Girl or boy they will be loved, loved, loved!!!!!

  2. well, according to some other tests and finding out my Lunar birthday on a chart it says boy... The way I look at it we have a 50% chance of it being a boy and 50% chance of it being a girl.
