Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mad Dog Mike Pays a Visit

Dad Colvin (aka Mad Dog) made a pit stop here in Denver while enroute to a job site in CA.  Coincidentally, this happens to be the same weekend he came out for a backpacking trip last year.  We got in a good hike and took in the Fall colors of the high country.  Check out the pics!

Always happy to see his Denver kids

Panorama Point in Golden Gate Canyon State Park

Doo-rag-wearin' Hippie!

A contemplative Mike takes in the fall colors

Top of Loveland Pass

Semi-professional models posing with the changing Aspens - photo courtesy of Mad Dog

Loveland Pass in Fall 

Always a fitness nut, Mad Dog couldn't resist a workout at altitude

Aspens changing color at Keystone Ski Resort


  1. love the pics! and you guys can drop the "semi" from semi-professional! you always look great :)

  2. I can't think of anything to say about these pics except that I can't believe there weren't any pictures taken at REI??
