I had an epiphany this week. So many times I try to plan things and God laughs at me and reminds me that He is the master planner.
In high school I thought I had my whole life figured out... My plan involved going to beauty school at age 18, building a great clientele, getting married, buying a house, putting a salon in the basement or garage and then making babies while having the freedom of staying home with them. Well, some of those things did happen in my planned order, but I never in my wildest dreams thought we would feel lead to leaving the family and the large clientele I spent many years trying to build. One day we just felt a tug and went with it, even though at times leaving the house we had bought and our family back in Michigan felt so wrong.
Right when Matt and I got here we got connected with a great church, which lead to some wonderful relationships. Friends that we could share everything with and pray with. Our lives got flipped upside down and because of it Matt and I grew closer to each other and to God! I was beginning to finally see God's plan a little clearer after I let go of the wheel.
Two years ago I thought that was why he challenged us to leave, but just the other day I realized His plan was even bigger than that. I had worked a long day at the Y and night at the salon when I was driving home thinking about what our life would be like if we didn't follow to that tug on our hearts. I don't know what it would've looked like, but I imagine I would be working 12 hour days at the salon and growing in relationships with my clients and going home feeling completely exhausted! I'm so thankful that God knew better than I did. He knew that I couldn't work on my feet for 12 hours while pregnant!
In Colorado I have about a quarter of the clients that I had in Michigan, and though I do miss my clients I really don't miss the rush of it all. Gosh, I pee every 45 minutes some nights, if I was still going like I was back then I would have to have had a catheter put in or been running really late with everyone which only stresses me out more. Going back to the salon after the baby is born should be easier here then there, I can just go in 2 nights a week and still get in who I need to. There is no way I could just do 2 nights back in Michigan with the amount of clients I had.
I love the gift God has given me to do hair and I can't image my life without it. I'm so glad that He has given me just enough of what I needed when I needed it. His plan is so much greater than anything I could ever dreamt of or imagined. I can't wait to sit back and let Him do more of the driving. Right now with all the life changes happening... all I can do is trust.