Monday, August 22, 2011

Meeting Squirt for the first time

Tomorrow Matt and I will meet our baby for the first time. Everything is going to become way more real. I'm both excited and nervous. I just can't wait to see the little squirt and find out our possible due date. I wonder if it will be March or April?

Matt has already changed; he has become much more nurturing and caring. He continues to read his pregnancy for daddy's book, it's making him aware of what is going on and why I act (crazy) like I do.

(Written August 23rd 2011)

Dear Squirt,
You are BEAUTIFUL! You are only the size of a blueberry and already the love my life. The ultrasound went great! I wish I could see you everyday, but we'll have to wait till 20 weeks to see you again. Just keep growing and getting stronger.
Mommy loves you!

Found out the due date is April 11, 2012 we plan to wait and find out the sex upon delivery. Here is the first picture of our little miracle:

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Telling the Family (part 2)

Today we finally were able to Skype with Mom and Dad Colvin. Dad called right at 6:00 like we had planned but told us Mom wasn't' home yet. She made us wait AGAIN I was going nuts! Finally 8 minutes before Matt had to leave for work they both skyped us. They looked through the picture book, but had no idea what was in-store for them. When they got the last page there was a look of hope, confusion, question and excitement. They turned  to the page with the announcement, Dad shouted "Hurray" while mom hide her face in the book and squealed, much like Amber did the night before. Both teared up and I'm sure they were shaking as much as I was.

We called Grandma and Grandpa Koenes to tell them the news too. I had just talked with them the day before so they wondered what was wrong. I said "Why would I be calling you 2 days in a row if I didn't have something important to tell you? Can you guess why I'm calling?" and Grandpa jokingly said "I hope it's not because you are pregnant." and Matt said "Well, then you are going to be disappointed because she is!" Grandma and Grandpa were both very excited, but Grandpa won't stop kicking himself in the butt for saying that. He has already told me many times how sorry he was and that he didn't mean it. I knew he was joking and I think it's really funny.

Matt left for work and I went on telling all the other siblings. I was able to Skype with Christina and Benj, and was talking with Izaac for a minute, when I told him he was going to have another cousin. Cree peeked in and said "Really? Who's pregnant?" haha! Jamie skyped with me as well, and since she was with Mb when I told her, she got to look at the book we made. I was even able to talk to Beckie in Uganda, it was great to hear her voice. I skyped with Brent and Lora, but they already guessed the news because Steve told them about his suspicions. I talked with Adam who seemed thrilled to have another niece or nephew. Fred and I talked on the phone next, and I told him we found out while he was at our house and he got confused thinking we conceived while he was here. HAHA!  I left a message for Emily and Jason and was able to talk to 4 Aunts; Linda, June, Marcella and Anne. I had been on the phone all night and I was beat.

Matt's status tonight on Facebook said "I've been called many things in my near 30 years, but my newest (and my favorite) is Dad. Melissa and I are happy to announce that we are expecting our first!" He is going to be such a great dad!

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Telling the Family (part 1)

Today was a really fun day, we were able to Skype with Dad and Marybeth. They looked through their book while showing us each picture they were looking at. When they got to the last page it was obvious they were pretty confused. Dad said to Mb, "Does this mean?..." and she replied "No, she just did a triathlon." It was as if they forgot we could still see and hear them. Matt suggested they turn the page where they read: Welcome Baby Colvin (aka Squirt) and then the tears came! Dad even had to leave his seat for a minute. Mb cried too, telling dad to come back. Totally the reaction we expected and hoped for.

Next we were able to Skype with Mom and Steve. They looked through their book and when they got to the last pages mom hit Steve on the head and told him he was right (what every man loves to hear). I guess he had been saying that's what the book was about ever since we sent the text telling them the book was on its way. Mom cried a little but was still shocked and maybe a little upset that Steve was right again. Mom is a little worried that our child won't know his Grandma like Jacob knows her because we live so far away. I guess we are going to have to coordinate trips and Skype dates and just be more creative.

We really wanted to tell Mom and Dad Colvin that night too, but they were busy. It was pretty frustrating since we couldn't tell them how important it was without giving away at least some surprise. Instead we told Amber since she was able to Skype. While we made small talk Matt texted her with a picture of our pregnancy tests and wrote 'Congrats Aunt Amber' she read it and said "What? Is this really true? You wouldn't do this as a joke? This isn't something to joke about!" Once we convinced her it wasn't a joke she covered her face in excitement and squealed. It was super cute.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

TRI for the Cure

The little squirt and I are doing our first triathlon! The doctor said as long as I take it easy, stay hydrated and know when/if to call it quits it'll be okay. Lately I haven't been having as much energy as usual but I'm hoping I do. I must say I'm a little jealous of the little squirt who gets to just go along for the ride while mom does all the work. I guess this is my first lesson in parenting. 

The TRI was so much fun and such a wonderful thing to experience! I can't wait to do it again next year. My time was 2 hours and 1 minute and 54 seconds. My goal was simply to finish and that is what I did! I was so emotional on the bike ride I cried about 3 times along the way. It was just so beautiful and I was overwelmed with thanksgiving that I was physically able to do something that seemed so big at the time. I cried because I was so excited to be pregnant and so blessed.

Today is the one week mark since we found out about God's little miracle being formed inside me. I'm feeling some cramping pretty low on my right side, but it's quick and then goes away. Everything I've read says it 's normal. As long as it's not continuous cramping with blood then we are okay.  I can't believe the huge changes that are happening in such a short amount of time, because of such a small (sesame seed) little person.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Is this really happening?

Matt and I have known about Squirt for 2 days now and I have been peeing almost every hour and I'm always hungry. It's starting to feel more real. I wish I could stop worrying but I know how common it is to lose a baby in the first 12 weeks and a part of me doesn't want to let me get excited. But my heart is fluttering with joy! 

Tonight we made a cute book of pictures for our parents and had them mailed to each home. They should get them a week from today! We let them all know the book is coming and not to open it till we Skype because we want to look at it with them. Hopefully they don't think anything of it. The book starts with some wedding pictures, some Colorado pics, then a few from Alaska and ends with our 5 year anniversary pictures that we just had taken.  The last page has a beautiful picture of Matt kissing my tummy and says "everyday there is a possibility of a miracle". We can't wait to share our news with everyone but I'm enjoying that we have our little secret right now. When Matt and I make eye contact I can see his eyes glowing saying, 'we know something that they don't' and it's really cute.

We've been praying a lot for the little squirt and thanking God for the blessing. It truly is a miracle and I really can't wait to see what God's plan is to come. We have an ultrasound scheduled I'm looking very forward to it! According to the "What to expect when you're expecting" app on my phone, our due date is April 9, 2012. Last year on April 9 I was on my way to Vegas with 7 girlfriends, next year will be a lot different :)

Click on this link to check out Our exciting announcement book

Tuesday, August 02, 2011


In May 2011 we decided to let God be in control of our family and stopped taking birth control pills. We planned to just see what happened and come August if we weren't pregnant we would be more aggressive (with tracking and ovulation kits) with trying to conceive. 

My cycle wasn't as regular as I had hoped so we had 2 months of peeing on a stick that came back negative. In those months I started to realize just how badly I wanted a baby. Originally, I had been talked into it a little from Matt and a lot from little reminders about trusting God in every part of my life. All the sudden I started noticing babies and pregnant women everywhere I went. 

On Tuesday August 2nd, I had eaten a ton of watermelon (what's new?!) and needed to go to the bathroom really bad. The test had been on my mind all day, but I wanted to wait till 30 days after my last cycle (which would have been the next day) to take the test. My brother Steve and his friend Alex were visiting for a few days, but Matt and I had a few minutes alone so we took a test. I left it on the counter to avoid peeking like I did the last month, and after what felt like forever, Matt went and looked at it first. He had a weird-worried-excited-wide-eyed look on his face. I remember saying "Don't give me that look! What does it say!?" He showed me the thick pink line with the faint pink line next to it, I didn't understand right away, but when did I was shocked! I said "What did we just do?!" and thought, 'I need to be excited' but I had a quick moment of regret. That was not the reaction I was expecting. Then Matt said, "this is what we wanted..." which was how I was feeling after the shock wore off. It wasn't till I took another test later that night that I was less worried and more excited and relieved. There were definitely lots of tears flowing.