Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Telling the Family (part 1)

Today was a really fun day, we were able to Skype with Dad and Marybeth. They looked through their book while showing us each picture they were looking at. When they got to the last page it was obvious they were pretty confused. Dad said to Mb, "Does this mean?..." and she replied "No, she just did a triathlon." It was as if they forgot we could still see and hear them. Matt suggested they turn the page where they read: Welcome Baby Colvin (aka Squirt) and then the tears came! Dad even had to leave his seat for a minute. Mb cried too, telling dad to come back. Totally the reaction we expected and hoped for.

Next we were able to Skype with Mom and Steve. They looked through their book and when they got to the last pages mom hit Steve on the head and told him he was right (what every man loves to hear). I guess he had been saying that's what the book was about ever since we sent the text telling them the book was on its way. Mom cried a little but was still shocked and maybe a little upset that Steve was right again. Mom is a little worried that our child won't know his Grandma like Jacob knows her because we live so far away. I guess we are going to have to coordinate trips and Skype dates and just be more creative.

We really wanted to tell Mom and Dad Colvin that night too, but they were busy. It was pretty frustrating since we couldn't tell them how important it was without giving away at least some surprise. Instead we told Amber since she was able to Skype. While we made small talk Matt texted her with a picture of our pregnancy tests and wrote 'Congrats Aunt Amber' she read it and said "What? Is this really true? You wouldn't do this as a joke? This isn't something to joke about!" Once we convinced her it wasn't a joke she covered her face in excitement and squealed. It was super cute.

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