Sunday, August 07, 2011

TRI for the Cure

The little squirt and I are doing our first triathlon! The doctor said as long as I take it easy, stay hydrated and know when/if to call it quits it'll be okay. Lately I haven't been having as much energy as usual but I'm hoping I do. I must say I'm a little jealous of the little squirt who gets to just go along for the ride while mom does all the work. I guess this is my first lesson in parenting. 

The TRI was so much fun and such a wonderful thing to experience! I can't wait to do it again next year. My time was 2 hours and 1 minute and 54 seconds. My goal was simply to finish and that is what I did! I was so emotional on the bike ride I cried about 3 times along the way. It was just so beautiful and I was overwelmed with thanksgiving that I was physically able to do something that seemed so big at the time. I cried because I was so excited to be pregnant and so blessed.

Today is the one week mark since we found out about God's little miracle being formed inside me. I'm feeling some cramping pretty low on my right side, but it's quick and then goes away. Everything I've read says it 's normal. As long as it's not continuous cramping with blood then we are okay.  I can't believe the huge changes that are happening in such a short amount of time, because of such a small (sesame seed) little person.

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