Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Telling the Family (part 2)

Today we finally were able to Skype with Mom and Dad Colvin. Dad called right at 6:00 like we had planned but told us Mom wasn't' home yet. She made us wait AGAIN I was going nuts! Finally 8 minutes before Matt had to leave for work they both skyped us. They looked through the picture book, but had no idea what was in-store for them. When they got the last page there was a look of hope, confusion, question and excitement. They turned  to the page with the announcement, Dad shouted "Hurray" while mom hide her face in the book and squealed, much like Amber did the night before. Both teared up and I'm sure they were shaking as much as I was.

We called Grandma and Grandpa Koenes to tell them the news too. I had just talked with them the day before so they wondered what was wrong. I said "Why would I be calling you 2 days in a row if I didn't have something important to tell you? Can you guess why I'm calling?" and Grandpa jokingly said "I hope it's not because you are pregnant." and Matt said "Well, then you are going to be disappointed because she is!" Grandma and Grandpa were both very excited, but Grandpa won't stop kicking himself in the butt for saying that. He has already told me many times how sorry he was and that he didn't mean it. I knew he was joking and I think it's really funny.

Matt left for work and I went on telling all the other siblings. I was able to Skype with Christina and Benj, and was talking with Izaac for a minute, when I told him he was going to have another cousin. Cree peeked in and said "Really? Who's pregnant?" haha! Jamie skyped with me as well, and since she was with Mb when I told her, she got to look at the book we made. I was even able to talk to Beckie in Uganda, it was great to hear her voice. I skyped with Brent and Lora, but they already guessed the news because Steve told them about his suspicions. I talked with Adam who seemed thrilled to have another niece or nephew. Fred and I talked on the phone next, and I told him we found out while he was at our house and he got confused thinking we conceived while he was here. HAHA!  I left a message for Emily and Jason and was able to talk to 4 Aunts; Linda, June, Marcella and Anne. I had been on the phone all night and I was beat.

Matt's status tonight on Facebook said "I've been called many things in my near 30 years, but my newest (and my favorite) is Dad. Melissa and I are happy to announce that we are expecting our first!" He is going to be such a great dad!

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